
Who we are

NinetyDegreeists are people of all races, creeds, genders and orientations who feel unsafe when spoken to face to face by people they do not know well.

What we believe in

We campaign for in-person communication between two people to be conducted with participants standing at ninety degrees to one another and at a distance of at least 1.2 m (4 ft), that is, more than an arm's length.


Our badge symbol is rendered either |_ or, where only alphanumerics are possible, as a capital L. We are designing a discreet lapel badge with the intention of producing a downloadable 3D printer file so that identical NinetyDegreeist badges can be made anywhere.


We are forging ties with groups in Stanford and elsewhere to raise awareness of our campaign and to foster common understanding and recognition of what we stand for. The aim being that enlightened groups everywhere know of, understand and respect the NinetyDegreeist badge and ethos.


We've heard stories of groups turning on minorities and ostracising them: people who have refused to wear a badge stating their pronouns being treated as persona non grata and passive-aggressively bullied. Apocryphal or not, NinetyDegreeists are committed to tolerance: we will not make people who choose not to respect our badge feel even so much as uncomfortable. We will only explain the meaning of our badge when asked to do so.


We are working on a communications strategy. This will include a website, Facebook page and other social media presence with a uniform and distinctive look and feel. We are currently taking advice on how best to go about this from other progressive groups. For the moment contact MD for further information.



March 2023